SPF Awards

The SPF Awards Ceremony is held every November and each year celebrates outstanding Police Officers for their acts of bravery, commitment and support.

Please click below to submit nominations for the SPF Awards 2024

Nominations for 2024 are now open and we would encourage you to submit your nominations at the link below. The nomination process is very simple and quick, we will take care of the rest.



The #ItsWhatWeAre Award categories will include

SPF BRAVERY AWARD –INDIVIDUAL An individual who has shown considerable bravery working in an individual capacity. They have shown commitment to keeping the public safe in the most demanding of circumstances.

SPF BRAVERY AWARD –GROUP A group who has shown considerable bra very working in a team capacity. They have shown commitment to keeping the public safe in the most demanding of circumstances.

SPF COMMUNITY COMMITMENT AWARD An individual who has demonstrated commitment within the local community in which they work. They have connected and supported the greater community and made a difference.

SPF UNSUNG HERO AWARD An individual who has gone beyond the day to day call of duty and shown inspiring leadership by stepping up. It recognises an individual who has made a difference by going the extra mile and gone above and beyond expectations within their role. 

SPF COPS COP OF THE YEAR This award allows officers to be recognised and appreciated by their peers for demonstrating what we value as being a police officer. It is the colleague who always helps, who supports, who volunteers, who steps forward and who cares.

These awards will reflect the very best of the service and demonstrate the positive impact that our members make. They will capture and celebrate exceptional stories and provide a small snapshot of the extraordinary and diverse work colleagues do.