Police Pensions – Information – UPDATED

On the week commencing, Monday 18th May2020, The Scottish Police Federation will be launching a portal to enable subscribing members, who were victims of discrimination and suffered any ‘injury to feeling’ as a result of changes to pensions (caused by the introduction of a new CARE scheme in 2015), to register a compensation claim.
The portal is being checked to ensure it meets our robust security and cross platform standards. Once it is ready, this site will be updated accordingly along with associated communications. If you wish to sign up for updates, please use this link.
Subscribing members of the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents will also be eligible to register claims through this portal.*

The claim is to ensure members who have not already submitted a claim in respect of pension discrimination are also considered for any compensation the court considers appropriate for the distress caused by the discriminatory changes

*The Association of Scottish Police Superintendents is supporting this action and is contributing to the the cost of this action on behalf of their members.
