NPoCC Mutual Aid Survey

Following Survey has been received from NPoCC- The National Police coordination Centre.

In the previous 18 months policing in the UK has had to respond to numerous challenges, which included the large-scale mobilisation of officers to National events predominantly the G7 Summit in Cornwall, the COP26 Climate Conference in Glasgow, the Commonwealth Games in Birmingham and Operation London Bridge this summer.  

These events have seen 1000’s of police officers and staff deployed on mutual aid to assist other police forces in delivering their policing operations.  

The National Mobilisation Coordinator, ACC Owen Weatherill, would like to understand what officers experience of these events have been, to influence future planning for mutual aid.  We would like to ask officers to take a little time to answer the following questionnaire to assist making mutual aid deployments the best they can be, both for the host force and for officers deployed.  

Thank you for taking part in this survey, which should take around 2 minutes to complete.

The survey can be completed at
