Travel Insurance and Corona Virus COVID19

Updated 12th March 2020

The Scottish Police Federation Group Travel Insurance policy can be found here.

With regard to Corona Virus (COVID19) and travel under this policy, the update from our insurers is to follow the advice from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) (by visiting  and local or UK Health Authorities.

Where you have a query that relates to your travel plans, you must contact your tour operator, airline, accommodation provider or other travel companies to discuss options such as refunds, amendments or postponements.

For trips involving a stopover in an area for which there is a FCO directive in place, you should check with your travel provider to see if they can change your itinerary.

For trips to countries where there has been an outbreak of Coronavirus, but for which no FCO directive is in place, you must contact your travel provider to see if they can assist you with amending your trip.

While we appreciate that you may no longer wish to travel, your insurance will not cover a cancellation claim in these circumstances.

This is an insurance industry standard and approach and whilst sympathising with members’ concerns, there is nothing the insurance brokers Philip Williams, SPF staff or officials can do to override the policy. Please also appreciate that these organisations are receiving a significant increase in call volumes whilst themselves running on reduced staffing and in business continuity arrangements.

Further details can be found at the Association of British Insurers FAQ page.
