David Kennedy
General Secretary
David Kennedy became General Secretary of the Scottish Police Federation in February 2023.
He joined Strathclyde Police in 1996 and has over 26 years police service. He became a Federation representative for K Division in 2003 working in the Renfrewshire area. He was elected as Deputy Secretary of Strathclyde JBB in December 2004 and as Secretary in December 2008.
Following the restructuring of the SPF in 2013, David became the Conduct Secretary before taking up the post of Deputy General Secretary in 2015.
David is the PNB Staff Side Secretary and is a member of the ExCom on EuroCOP.

David Threadgold
David Threadgold became Chair of the Scottish Police Federation in February 2023.
He joined Grampian Police in 1998 and became a member of the Grampian Police Joint Branch Board in 2004. With the exception of a 12 month period, David served continuously as a local area representative until he was elected into a Full Time office bearers post as Vice Chair of the North area in July 2018.
Since then, he has held the position of Chair of the North area, and Assistant to the General Secretary for Conduct.
He also sits on the staff side of the Police Negotiating Board.

Lorna Cunningham
Deputy General Secretary
Lorna Cunningham became Deputy General Secretary of the Scottish Police Federation in February 2023.
She became Chair of the West Area Committee in June 2021 having previously served as the Deputy Secretary of the West Area Committee since February 2018.
She joined Strathclyde Police in 2002 and was posted to C Division, Saracen. She has served in various areas in operational, specialist and support roles, working in Response in C Division, Community Policing in Glasgow City Centre, Airwave Project and Storm Projects in Headquarters, and in Traffic covering Glasgow and the West.
She was elected as a Constable’s representative for Roads Policing in 2015 where she was Secretary of the Conduct Committee as well as Deputy Secretary of the Constables Committee before being elected to her previous post in December 2017 where she held the Conduct portfolio.
She is trained in Equality, Health & Safety and Conduct.

Brian Jones
Vice chair
Brian Jones became Vice Chair of the Scottish Police Federation in April 2020.
He joined Lothian and Borders Police in November 1990.
He was elected as the Sergeants representative for Operational division in 2004 and remained a member of Lothian and Borders Joint Branch Board until the creation of Police Scotland where he became a Sergeants representative role for J Division as part of the East Area Committee.
Brian became the Chair of the East Area Committee of the Scottish Police Federation in February 2015. He was elected as the Assistant to the General Secretary for Health and Safety in March 2017 and then Vice Chair in April 2020. He currently has the strategic oversight for Health and Safety, Training and Members Services.