Wellbeing Survey

Last year we surveyed officers territorially based in P, D, G, J, K and L Divisions on their wellbeing. This was part of a research project to track the impact of new changes to policing including mobile devices and CAM. 

It was our intention to repeat this survey in March 2020 as the technology was being rolled out….. but then COVID19 happened. 

We decided to delay this second key part to the survey and also ask you about the impact of COVID19 on you and your families. The Scottish Police Federation and Association of Scottish Police Superintendents will use these results to not only advise Police Scotland on future approaches but also to benchmark the Force against Forces across the world.

Once again this data is being compiled and analysed by independent researchers at  Carleton University and we urge ALL our members to participate but particularly those in P, D, G, J, K and L  Divisions. Our previous response rate was a phenomenal 40% which ensures the findings cannot be disregarded. 

We will be able to publish the results of both surveys later this year.

To participate, please use this link www.spf.org.uk/survey and encourage your colleagues to help us help you.
